Professional Service Providers
As a psychotherapist that has worked in the social service arena for 20 years, I can easily relate to the challenges involved with being impacted by the stories we hear or the injuries we witness with those we serve. Those stories and images can get downloaded into our system causing burnout and disruption with our own wellness. Additionally, it can trigger and activate old stories/trauma(s) that have not completely healed.
As professionals, whether that be First Responders, Healthcare workers, Psychotherapists/counselors, or other service providers, we are not immune to the things that we see, hear, and feel as a result of the work we do.
As a psychotherapist, with a strong trauma informed background, I help professionals understand how the brain-body download these stressors and guide them through a natural healing process. Since no two healing journeys are the same, I work with you on developing a therapeutic approach that is tailored towards your own healing.