Veterans and Active Service Members
Living through a traumatic event is a defining moment that can change how you feel about life. It can alter your perceptions on how you perceive yourself, others, and the world around you. Your behaviors or response system will often change to reflect those perceived beliefs.
Veterans and Active Service Members are at higher risk of experiencing life changing traumatic events as a result of their commitment with serving the Country. In addition, it is often difficult for this population of people to seek help due to stereotypes/stigma associated with mental health. This in turn can create additional unnecessary suffering.
As a psychotherapist with 15 years' experience working with Veterans and active military members, I can help you gain a better understanding of how your brain-body was impacted by the trauma(s), and help you move through those events that have impacted your quality of life. Healing is a process that takes time and commitment, much like the time and commitment you gave to serve this Country. I invite you to give yourself the time and commitment to heal your wounds. You Deserve It!